Alcohol services

Local services in West Sussex

Depending on consumption levels, there are a range of alcohol services available in West Sussex. Individuals who are not dependent but are needing to cut down can access the following:

  • West Sussex Wellbeing Alcohol Service for risky drinkers

The Wellbeing Alcohol Service is aimed at those who wish to reduce their drinking in a friendly and supportive environment. The one-to-one sessions aim to reduce anxiety and the perceived stigma of alcohol reduction. Face-to-face appointments are available from a range of locations. The service operates from Monday to Friday with daytime and evening appointments.

The Wellbeing Alcohol Service sits at the beginning of the alcohol treatment pathway. It is aimed at risky drinkers scoring 5-10 on the AUDIT-C scratch cards or scoring 8-19 on the full AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test).

Eligible individuals can receive up to six, 40 minute sessions with their own dedicated Alcohol Advisor. The intervention utilises the NICE approved Extended Brief Intervention framework and Motivational Interviewing approach.

The service is a free for anyone over the age of 18 who live or work in West Sussex but is not suitable for dependent drinkers

For referral to the service, direct clients to our Alcohol Wellbeing Advisors page.

  • DrinkCoach

DrinkCoach is an online coaching service that is available for free to people (aged 18+) who live or work in West Sussex.

The service is aimed at risky drinkers scoring 5-10 on the AUDIT-C scratchcards or 8-19 on the full AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test  - see guidance on UK Government website

Eligible patients can receive up to six 40 minute sessions with their own dedicated alcohol specialist. The intervention utilises the NICE approved Extended Brief Intervention framework and Motivational Interviewing approach.

DrinkCoach is professional, convenient and confidential, operating 7 days a week with daytime, evening and weekend appointments available. Patients will need access to a Skype connection.

Referral is simple:

      1. Direct the patient to the DrinkCoach website.
      2. The patient selects their appointment from an online booking calendar.
      3. The pateint enters the promo code WSUSSEX to remove the full cost of the session.

This service is free to anyone (18+) who lives in West Sussex, but is not suitable for dependent drinkers.

  • Self-help

The Help and support page in our Alcohol section provides options for those wanting to take steps to help themselves.

Dependent drinkers

For dependent drinkers, specialist alcohol support is provided by the West Sussex Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Network (DAWN), led by Change, Grow, Live (CGL).  The service is available to people of any age, who are looking to reduce or stop their drinking.

Young people aged 24 and under can contact the service via:
Call: 0330 128 1113
Email Change, Grow, Live
Online referral form (new window)

Adults aged 25 and over can contact the service via:
Call: 0330 128 1113
Email Change, Grow, Live
Online referral form (new window)

Resources to support conversations around alcohol

Hard copies may be ordered by contacting the Health Promotion Resource Centre.

Your Wellbeing hub
